Omicron Protocol Art and Story Book
The Omicron Protocol Art and Story Book, a venture published by Dead Alive Games, emerged as a substantial endeavor within the broader game project. Spanning 356 pages within a hardcover, this book serves as a treasure trove of Omicron Protocol's universe lore, featuring character stories interwoven with captivating artwork. At its core, this volume is a fusion of storytelling and visual artistry, meticulously curated to showcase the game's essence. My vision was rooted in minimalism, providing a grand stage for the artwork while maintaining a graphic design seamlessly aligned with the sci-fi aesthetic. With unparalleled autonomy, this project became an unprecedented canvas for my creative expression. The liberty of decision-making was mine, and the result stands as a testament to that freedom. My role encompassed the graphic design of pages, text and image layout, and the meticulous distribution of images throughout the book's expanse. The artistic contributions of Roy Ugang, Viktor Kolodiazhniy, and Amit Thulasidasan enrich every page, weaving a narrative that celebrates both imagination and design.